Now that he is the presumptive Democratic Party presidential nominee, Joe Biden needs to wrestle command of the political moment just like he often threatens to wrestle with voters.


The coronavirus pandemic has given President Donald Trump an opportunity to demonstrate national leadership, giving daily press briefings to reporters and millions of American television viewers. Even New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, whose state has been the worst hit by the virus, has had his approval numbers increase from his crisis management. Meanwhile, social distancing regulations have obligated Biden to remain in the basement of his Delaware home.

But now that Senator Bernie Sanders has withdrawn from the contest, Biden has an on-ramp to implement two crucial acts if he is going to win the presidency in November. First, he must reassert himself as a national leader superior to Trump; more empathetic, steadier, and more decisive. Second, he must build bridges to Sanders’ progressive supporters, and ensure that he maintains their votes in the general.


Yesterday, the former vice president published a post on the website Medium that outlines his future policy plans and attempts to achieve both goals simultaneously.

Biden was supportive of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, the $2.3 trillion legislation that congress passed two weeks ago in response to the pandemic. He is now joining congressional Democrats in calling for a second package that builds on the first.

This new package would further extend unemployment benefits, include a new direct cash payment to Americans, increase aid funding to states, provide healthcare coverage for any American left without due to the crisis, and include Senator Chuck Schumer’s idea for hazard pay for frontline workers. Finally, adopting a proposal from former presidential contender Elizabeth Warren, Biden’s relief plan would cancel a minimum of $10,000 of student debt per person.

It’s this last proposal that the seventy-seven-year-old is using as a launch point for his new, progressive solution to student debt. “Under this plan, I propose to forgive all undergraduate tuition-related federal student debt from two- and four-year public colleges and universities for debt-holders earning up to $125,000, with appropriate phase-outs to avoid a cliff,” explained Biden. “The federal government would pay the monthly payment in lieu of the borrower until the forgivable portion of the loan was paid off. This benefit would also apply to individuals holding federal student loans for tuition from private HBCUs [Historically Black Colleges & Universities] and MSIs [Minority-Serving Institutions].

In addition, Biden is calling for an age reduction in Medicare reception, lowering the starting age from sixty-five to sixty. Benefits would remain the same, while being extended to more people, while also not interfering with the private insurance industry. This is in contrast to conservative proposals, which have often said programs like Medicare and Social Security require age increases to prevent insolvency. However, this five-year reduction remains a far cry from the Medicare for All system campaigned on by Bernie Sanders.

Joe Biden is betting that these new policy proposals, and a coordinated shift left, will improve his odds of taking the White House this year.

Hunter DeRensis is the senior reporter for the National Interest. Follow him on Twitter @HunterDeRensis.