Are China and Russia Outpacing the United States in Military Technology?
The United States is increasingly facing a technology-driven arms race with China and Russia, in which Beijing and Moscow are each developing new technologies—and tactics—to compete with a still-dominant U.S. military force. This raises a variety of important questions. To what extent are China and Russia succeeding in developing new military technologies? Have China’s or Russia’s military technologies surpassed U.S. technology in important areas? Could they? How might these technologies threaten U.S. forces? And what technologies can and should the United States prioritize in competing with China and Russia? Finally—how much are Beijing and Moscow collaborating in developing military technologies and what are the implications for America?
Join the Center for the National Interest and the Energy Innovation Reform Project in the second of our series on Great Power Technology Competition, featuring Michael Kofman, T.X. Hammes, and Paul Saunders.
Image: Reuters.