Finding an Off-Ramp in Ukraine
The United States and its NATO allies need to address the reality as it is and take several steps to help resolve the conflict.
At root, there are only two likely outcomes: Either Russia succeeds militarily and then both Russia and Ukraine live with the ruinous economic results and Ukrainians also with the pauperizing, shattering, humanitarian calamity and their national debilitation; or the NATO allies find a way to bolster Ukraine’s resistance and offer an exit ramp Putin can accept. The latter is far preferable to the former even if some crow needs to be eaten.
Gerald F. Hyman is a Senior Associate (non-resident) at the Center for Strategic & International Affairs. He has published several articles on Afghanistan and more recently on Turkey. Between 2002 and 2007, he was Director of USAID’s Office of Democracy & Governance.
Image: Reuters.