Virginia-class Submarines

Watch Out China: New U.S. Navy Plan Calls for 66 Nuclear-Attack Submarines

The U.S. Navy’s requests for submarines have for many years exceeded the service’s inventory, particularly in the Pacific. However, the U.S. Navy, Congress, and industry partners are accelerating an effort...

The Navy’s Newest Virginia-Class Submarine Has Huge Shoes to Fill

The U.S. Navy has commissioned its second Block IV Virginia-class attack submarine as it retires a growing number of Los Angeles-class submarines and the global threat environment intensifies. The arrival...

USS Delaware Receives Belated Formal Commissioning Ceremony

The U.S. Navy christened its eighth Block III Virginia-class submarine, marking the end of the Block III Virginia-class variant. A Navy press release said that because of COVID-19, “there was...

Navy Budget Request Includes Additional Funding for Submarine Construction

Leadership within the U.S. Navy and members of Congress continue to advocate for additional Virginia-class attack submarine production in coming years to help offset an anticipated deficit when more Los...

American Shipyards Can’t Build New Submarines Fast Enough for the Navy

Key Point: Growing Russian and Chinese submarine fleets, the pace of Chinese warship construction, and the success of the new Virginia class have all led the Navy to invest more...

Submarine Showdown: Russia’s Yasen-Class vs. the U.S. Navy’s Virginia-Class

Here’s What You Need to Remember: Severodvinsk may be slower, but it can dive deeper. The Virginia may be faster, but according to Combat Ships of the World, the hull has only been tested...

What’s Causing U.S. Submarines To Lose Their Stealth Coatings?

Here’s What You Need to Remember: It was apparent more than a decade ago that the Virginia’s coatings were peeling off during operations.  Aformer employee of Huntington Ingalls Industries, the Virginia-based shipbuilder...

The U.S. Navy’s Virginia Class Submarines: The Best Subs Ever?

Throughout the history of submarine warfare, the main distinguishing feature of the vessels has been the ability to remain submerged. While modern military submarines can operate at greater depths than...