Hamid Karzai: Upbeat and Unwavering

July 8, 2005

Hamid Karzai: Upbeat and Unwavering

Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai is noticeably and understandably tired.

He rummages through the papers on his desk and quotes from the agreement just signed with President Bush: "U.S. and coalition forces are to continue to have the freedom of action to conduct appropriate military actions, based on pre-agreed procedures".  Working together with the Afghan military, and instituting trust-building projects like the alternative livelihoods program, Hamid Karzai is confident, as are his U.S. advisors, that enemies foreign and domestic will finally be subdued.

Afghanistan is one place in the world where U.S. force and generosity combine with fierce, resolute will, and it works.  What remains is curbing the poppy plague.  When this is accomplished, the Afghan rose will be rid of its most dangerous thorn.

July 8, 2005

John R. Thomson will be writing an article, "A Tale of Three Cities", on his recent visits to Kabul, Beirut and Cairo, assessing the state of democratic development in each.  The Article will appear in the next issue of The National Interest

Updated 7/8/05