Regime Change in the Transatlantic Relationship: Part II: From Transatlanticism to Post-Atlanticism

July 9, 2003 Topic: Security Tags: AtlanticismTransatlantic Relations

Regime Change in the Transatlantic Relationship: Part II: From Transatlanticism to Post-Atlanticism

In order to understand the transatlantic crisis over Iraq, the blame game is just not very useful, because it rests on the 40 year old paradigm of "transatlanticism" and fails to take into account the emergence of a new regime in U.



Justin Vaisse is a visiting fellow at the Brooking Institution's Center on the U.S. and France.  He testified on the future of the transatlantic relationship before the Subcommittee on Europe of the House Committee on International Relations.  Part I of this article, "Making Sense of French Foreign Policy," appeared in last week's In the National Interest (