Graham Condemns Impeachment Inquiry: ‘You Would Be Beating the S**t Out Of Us’

Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee Lindsey Graham (R-SC) speaks to the media after Special Counsel Robert Mueller found no evidence of collusion between U.S. President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia in the 2016 election
October 24, 2019 Topic: Politics Region: Americas Blog Brand: The Buzz Tags: Lindsey GrahamDonald TrumpImpeachmentUkraineVolodymr Zelensky

Graham Condemns Impeachment Inquiry: ‘You Would Be Beating the S**t Out Of Us’

He called it 'out-of-bounds, inconsistent with due process as we know it.'


Republican South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham introduced a resolution condemning the impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump Thursday on Capitol Hill Thursday.

Graham criticized the way that the impeachment inquiry has gone thus far, noting the closed-door nature of the inquiry. He also added, “If we [Republicans] were doing this, you would be beating the shit out of all of us.”


“The purpose of the resolution is to let the House know that the process you’re engaging in regarding the attempted impeachment of President Trump is out-of-bounds, inconsistent with due process as we know it,” Graham said Thursday. “It’s a substantial deviation from what the house has done in the past regarding impeachment of other presidents.”

“I think it’s dangerous to the president,” Graham added, saying that Trump should be given the rights that other presidents were given. 

Graham also compared the impeachment proceedings to those of former President Bill Clinton’s impeachment, saying that Democrats would be outraged if Republicans had acted the way Democrats currently behave throughout the inquiry.

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Image: Reuters.