Russia's Su-35 Fighter Jet Is No Joke

Su-35 Flanker-E
September 20, 2024 Topic: Security Region: Europe Blog Brand: The Buzz Tags: RussiaUkraineWar In UkraineMilitaryDefenseSu-35

Russia's Su-35 Fighter Jet Is No Joke

Russia's Su-35 fighter is more than capable of stacking up against other modern jets – and it will remain capable of doing so for the foreseeable future.


In Russian, there’s a well-known saying: “Doveryai, no proveryai.” In English, “Trust, but verify.” And after 30 years, pilots of the Russian Sukhoi-35 have been able to verify the trust that they have placed in the aircraft, time and time again. The fighter’s unique mixed-generation attributes, mixed with its proven battlefield prowess, ensures it will not be abandoned anytime soon.

A fighter that hails from the early 2000s, the Su-35 has been described as Generation 4++ due to its incorporation of newer stealth, radar systems, and propulsion systems. 


Its radar system is particularly impressive, as it can detect airborne aircraft from up to 350 kilometers away. If an enemy F-35 did detect it, one former NATO commander said that the F-35 would likely retreat, due to the Su-35’s supermaneuverability. Its producer, Rostec, has claimed the jet has no angle-of-attack limits. It can also reach supersonic speed without the need of an afterburner. This likely contributed to the Su-35’s success against Ukraine’s S-300 missile launchers soon after Russia’s full-scale invasion in 2022.

The Su-35’s payload is also quite impressive. It is capable of carrying up to 12 short-range missiles, four more than the F-22. It can also carry four R-37M missiles, which boast a 60 kilogram warhead, can attain Mach 6, and can travel up to an eye-popping 400 kilometers. When conflict gets closer, the pilot has access to a 30 mm Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-301 autocannon loaded with 150 rounds.

That payload, coupled with its speed and supermaneuverability, may be why the Ukrainians are already asking for more advanced aircraft than the F-16s, which they have only just begun to receive. According to the Ukrainian Air Force’s spokesman, “The outdated F-16 cannot counter” the Ru-35.

This is not all to say that the Su-35 is the perfect fighter. Some have been lost in the Russo-Ukrainian War. The F-22 is capable of seeing smaller targets. But the Su-35 is equipped with the KNIRTI L175M Khibiny-M electronic warfare system, which makes it difficult for enemy missiles to get a lock on the aircraft. So even if it is spotted from afar, its defense systems, paired with its speed and angle-of-attack capabilities, would allow it to get close to an attacker even if it came under fire first.

There is no indication that the Russians are looking for new types of jets to replace the Su-35. In fact, the director of one Russian aviation facility recently said that the fighter’s experiences in the war in Ukraine have helped them to figure out what needs improvement and that such improvements are already in-progress.

Russia will move on from the Su-35, as all countries move on from all aircrafts eventually. But for the time being, it has no need to do so. In mid-2024, Russia claimed to have about 100 Su-35 fighters, and will likely be buying more. The Su-35 is more than capable of stacking up against other modern jets – and it will remain capable of doing so for the foreseeable future.

About the Author 

Anthony J. Constantini is a foreign policy analyst and Contributing Fellow at Defense Priorities. His work has appeared in numerous domestic and international publications, including American Affairs, Politico Europe, Brussels Signal, and The American Conservative. He holds a master’s in International Relations.

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