Tokyo's Ex-Governor Claims Obama Targeted Him for CIA Assassination

May 11, 2017 Topic: Politics Region: Asia Blog Brand: The Buzz Tags: JapanBarack ObamaEast China SeaSenkaku/Diaoyu

Tokyo's Ex-Governor Claims Obama Targeted Him for CIA Assassination

“I mean, they killed Gaddafi and Bin laden … Assassinations are their specialty”


The former governor of Tokyo reportedly made a shocking accusation in a recent interview.


Speaking to the Shukan Post, a Japanese tabloid, Shintaro Ishihara claimed that former President Barack Obama ordered the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to assassinate him, the Tokyo Reporter wrote Wednesday.

Ishihara is said to have claimed that the U.S. should off North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un the way the Obama administration tried to off him.

“Why doesn’t America just assassinate Kim Jong-un already?” Ishihara asked. “I mean, they killed Gaddafi and Bin laden … Assassinations are their specialty.”

“When Tokyo was trying to purchase the Senkaku Islands,” he explained, “Obama told the CIA, ‘Use Chinese people in Japan and kill Ishihara by making it look like a traffic accident.'”

Ishihara served as governor of Tokyo from 1999 to 2012. During his last year in office, he delivered a stunning speech in Washington D.C. in which he declared Japan’s intent to buy the disputed Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands, territories in the East China Sea. China claims the islands, but Japan administers them.

Both the Obama administration and the Trump administration have stated that the U.S.-Japanese security agreement covers the islands, effectively deterring China from unilaterally seizing control of them through force. Beijing believes the islands are indisputable parts of China’s territory.

While in office, Ishihara managed to offend many with his often outrageous statements. He reportedly suggested the U.S. should launch a nuclear attack against Kim Jong-un, in the interview with the Shukan Post.

“Right now, North Korea is probably the only country the world would find acceptable for the United States to drop an atomic bomb on,” Ishihara said. “I don’t think the world would complain even if the leadership of North Korea were to be annihilated by nuclear weapons.”

Ishihara is 84 years old, but he still knows how to make a headline.

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