The Putin-Sarkozy Meeting
Many predicted that Nicolas Sarkozy would use his visit to Moscow to put pressure on Vladimir Putin. Instead, we see the French president seeking a different diplomatic role for Paris.
So much for the predictions that French President Nicolas Sarkozy was going to read the riot act to Vladimir Putin during his visit to Moscow.
So after the first day of meetings, what do we have? We have Sarkozy telling reporters that, on Iran, "Our positions moved much closer … I really felt a convergence." We have reports that on the question of Kosovo-where I have been predicting for the last several months that Sarkozy and Putin might work to develop a compromise position that would satisfy both European and Russian concerns-that the two discussed whether a solution could be found that would avoid "humiliation" for the Serbs; Sarkozy said, "We saw a path which could eventually allow us to bring our views closer."
Sarkozy did bring up human rights issues but also appears to have endorsed what has been the mainstream German position towards Russia-that while there are a number of setbacks, Russia is still moving in a positive direction and "this evolution should be encouraged." That is a far cry from endorsing a growing U.S. belief that Russia is moving in a wrong direction. Sarkozy's call for greater economic cooperation between Russia and France, particularly in sensitive areas such as nuclear energy and the aerospace industry, is also less likely to be well received in Washington, where, just as with Angela Merkel several years ago, there was a hope that a new, conservative European leader would be more prepared to increase pressure on the Kremlin. [In a separate note, perhaps building on the inclusion of Total into the Shtokman gas project, Sarkozy also told reporters, "I have told President Putin of the readiness of French investors to enter the capital of big Russian companies, for example Gazprom."]
Nikolas K. Gvosdev is editor of The National Interest.