It’s Time to Reaffirm the American Trust with Trieste

It’s Time to Reaffirm the American Trust with Trieste

With U.S. support, this critical Italian city can anchor Indo-Mediterranean supply chains and serve as a powerful balancer to China’s Belt and Road Initiative.


The Free Port of Trieste stands as a pivotal partner in the U.S. strategy to counter the geopolitical aggression of China and Russia. By reaffirming its commitment to Trieste, the United States can revitalize a crucial maritime gateway that enhances global supply lines and reinforces the principles of free and open trade and commerce. Leveraging Trieste’s historical significance and strategic location, Washington can foster stronger diplomatic ties, stimulate economic growth through infrastructure investments, and bolster security measures in the region. Importantly, Trieste, with its access to the heart of Central and Eastern Europe, offers a rich investment opportunity for American industry. 

Through coordinated efforts with European and Indo-Pacific allies, Washington can ensure that the Free Port of Trieste not only thrives but also serves as a destination for American investments, a beacon of transatlantic solidarity, and a bulwark against authoritarian encroachments. This multifaceted approach will solidify Trieste’s role in advancing American interests and upholding the virtues of freedom and prosperity across critical geographies.


Kaush Arha is president of the Free & Open Indo-Pacific Forum and a nonresident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Krach Institute for Tech Diplomacy at Purdue.

Carlos Roa is a Visiting Fellow at the Danube Institute and an Associate Washington Fellow at the Institute for Peace and Diplomacy. He is the former executive editor of The National Interest and remains a contributing editor of that publication.

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