Rethinking International Financial Infrastructure

Rethinking International Financial Infrastructure

The Bridgetown Initiative is an important step toward protecting climate refugees and creating a sustainable future.


As the world looks towards COP28, the imperative to tackle the climate crisis is more pressing than ever before in its history. With pre-COP negotiations bringing to light many differences relative to how this ambitious goal could be achieved, there must be a centrality of approach in ensuring that the global financial architecture can respond to these objectives. Critical to this will be the incentivization of private capital and adequate concessional funding to unlock trillions of dollars for effective climate action.

Climate financing negotiations at COP28 must build on the surprise landmark success of the loss and damage agreement on the summit’s opening, for which Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, the UAE’s summit president, must be commended for his leadership.


The talks nearly broke down over the U.S. demand that the fund, agreed in theory at COP27, be hosted by the World Bank. Thankfully, careful negotiation led by Al Jaber forged a compromise between Global North and South nations, resulting in a breakthrough agreement limiting the World Bank’s administration to a temporary period and ensuring developing countries’ oversight by sitting on the fund’s board. For the first time, there is a serious prospect of getting funds to the most climate-vulnerable countries. But of course, this is just the beginning of the comprehensive deal on climate financing we need to get out of COP.

Being from a nation-state on the frontlines of the climate battle, with first-hand knowledge of its effects on communities around the world, I see the critical need for action on multiple fronts, and one proposal that holds the key to progress is the Bridgetown Initiative.

Tremendous praise must be given to Prime Minister Mia Mottley of Barbados and her government for conceiving the initiative. This shifts the needle greatly and recognizes that addressing climate change will require financing that does not place an undue burden on those who are on the frontline. It offers a practical solution to restructure loans in a way that does not exacerbate financial hardship for countries that fall in this category, including Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and other developing nations. It is a step toward ensuring that the burden of climate action is distributed more equitably among countries, a principle at the heart of sustainable development.

The issue of climate refugees cannot and must not be overlooked. As the effects of climate change intensify, communities are being uprooted from their homes due to extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and dwindling resources. These climate refugees often find themselves in precarious situations, struggling to access basic necessities and facing displacement that disrupts their livelihoods. As this human tragedy unfolds before us, it should serve as a sobering and stark reminder that the climate crisis is not just an environmental issue but a humanitarian one.

The Caribbean, in particular, stands at the precipice of a climate crisis that threatens millions of lives. The region is grappling with massive challenges, including a unique vulnerability to hurricanes and rising sea levels. Coastal communities are particularly at risk due to increased storm severity. These changing weather patterns lead to other interconnected issues, such as economic disruptions from the loss of tourism—a vital source of income for many islands. If effective action is not taken, the impact of these environmental issues on the vibrant cultures and economies of the Caribbean islands will only intensify over the coming decades.

COP28 presents a critical opportunity to change the trajectory of climate change and its devastating consequences. The Bridgetown Initiative, with its focus on debt restructuring and equitable climate financing, must be adopted. It is a lifeline for developing nations that are most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. By suspending surcharges on heavily indebted borrowing countries and enhancing access limits for emergency financial support instruments, we can provide immediate relief to those in need.

Furthermore, COP28’s call to finally address the $100 billion target to fund climate-related loss and damage in developing countries echoes the Bridgetown Initiative’s plea. It is not just an economic necessity; it is a moral imperative. One must not ignore the injustice of asking these nations to bear the brunt of a problem they did not create. Consequently, the global community should step up and fulfill its commitments to climate finance.

As recognized by the UAE Presidency, private sector involvement is crucial for a global transition to a low-carbon economy. The Bridgetown Initiative calls for the IMF and multilateral development banks to offer $100 billion a year in currency risk guarantees, which will help drive private sector investments in climate-resilient projects. Simultaneously, we must support countries in creating a pipeline of investable projects and explore innovative financing structures where public lenders take on more project risk.

Our approach to development lending must also evolve. The recommendations to boost lending by multilateral development banks should be fully implemented, and additional capital should be committed to these institutions. Access limits to concessional finance should be raised, and loans should be provided based on a country’s vulnerability. This approach will empower nations to invest in climate resilience, water security, pandemic preparedness, and renewable energy, all essential components of sustainable development.

As we engage in discussions at COP28, we must address the critical question of the governance of international financial institutions. It is time to make these institutions more inclusive and equitable, ensuring that the voices of developing nations are heard, and their concerns are addressed.

COP28 is not just another conference but an opportunity to reshape our world’s future. The Bridgetown Initiative is a practical, inclusive, and equitable proposal that deserves our support. As someone who witnesses the impact of climate change on vulnerable communities every day, I implore all nations to come together and take decisive action. Let us bridge the climate financing gap, protect climate refugees, and create a sustainable future for all. The time for action is now.

Chad Blackman, LLB, LLM, ACIArb, is the former Ambassador of Barbados to the WTO, the United Nations at Geneva, Vienna, and Rome, and Austria, Hungary, and Switzerland. He is a lecturer on Trade and Development at the Geneva School of Diplomacy.
