Iran Is Freaked: Israel Has Jericho Missiles Armed with Nuclear Weapons

F-35I Adir Stealth Fighter from Israel

Iran Is Freaked: Israel Has Jericho Missiles Armed with Nuclear Weapons

Israel’s nuclear arsenal, though never officially confirmed, is believed to be robust, with approximately 90 warheads and advanced delivery systems such as the Jericho 3 missile.


Summary and Key Points: Israel’s nuclear arsenal, though never officially confirmed, is believed to be robust, with approximately 90 warheads and advanced delivery systems such as the Jericho 3 missile.

-This arsenal forms the backbone of Israel’s nuclear deterrence strategy, designed to prevent existential threats against the state.


-With a range of up to 4,038 miles and a yield of up to 400 kilotons, the Jericho 3 missiles underscore Israel’s capability to respond decisively to any major attack, including from distant adversaries like Iran.

Understanding Israel’s Nuclear Deterrence: The Power of the Jericho 3

Amid ongoing regional tensions, Israel’s nuclear deterrent remains a significant factor in its national security strategy.

Iran is Playing with Nuclear Hellfire: Understanding Israel’s Nuclear Weapons Arsenal

Israel having a nuclear weapons arsenal is probably the worst kept secret in the Middle East . With the prospect of a major regional war upon us, it’s important to understand what kind of arsenal the Israelis have built up. We know the Israeli military has a panoply of nuclear weapons of differing yields and complexity—including the dreaded neutron bomb. 

Israel’s nuclear arsenal is robust, redundant, and a real threat to any potential attacker.

The “Never Again” Principle Behind Israel’s Nuclear Deterrent

Predicated on the notion of “Never Again,” the Israeli military has built a fearsome force that can believably stop another Holocaust from befalling the Jewish people. Nuclear weapons further that goal. 

The Israelis find themselves fighting a multifront war against Iran’s terrorist proxies – Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Houthis. 

Israel enjoys a sophisticated, layered missile defense network that protects well against conventional strikes. But these defenses cannot stop nuclear attacks or acts of nuclear terrorism. The best that Israel can hope for is that by having such a robust and sophisticated arsenal, they can threaten even distant Iran with utter destruction as a form of deterrence. 

With weapons that can be fired from the ground, aircraft, or a flotilla of Dolphin-class diesel-electric submarines, the Israeli nuclear weapons capability is profound. No matter what happens to the tiny country in conflict, it will always retain the capability to burn the country that dares to attack it. 

According to Arms Control Today, the Israeli military has approximately 90 nuclear warheads at its disposal – although the program is shrouded in secrecy, so the true number may be higher. 

According to The New York Times, a rocket launched by Hamas during the October 7 terror attacks against Israel hit the Sdot Micha Airbase near Beit Shemesh, where it is believed anywhere from 25-50 Jericho missile launchers were located. Most assessments believe Hamas rockets landed on the periphery of the base and never threatened the nuclear weapons there. 

Still, it shows that even Israel’s non-state enemies, such as Hamas, recognize the dangers posed to both them and their Iranian overlords by Israel’s nuclear deterrent. 

The Jericho 3

The Center for Strategic & International Studies lists Israel’s Jericho 3 missile as “a solid-fueled intermediate missile developed and produced by Israel to replace its older Jericho 2 ballistic missiles. It was first tested in 2008, and entered service in 2011.” 

Indeed, CSIS assesses that the introduction of the Jericho 3 likely means the older Jericho 2s are being phased out. These newer missiles have a range of anywhere between 2,982 miles to 4,038 miles. 

CSIS further reports that the system is equipped with a 750 kg nuclear warhead with a yield between 150 and 400 kilotons. The missile relies on an inertial guidance system married to a radar-guided warhead for pinpoint accuracy. It’s believed that the missiles are based in underground caves in Zacharia, to the southwest of Tel Aviv. 

The Iranians are playing with nuclear hellfire right now. Israel is prepared and willing to defend itself, even with nukes. As you have read, the Israeli nuclear deterrent is far beyond anything in the Iranian arsenal. It will continue to be so for many years to come. 

Author Experience and Expertise: Brandon J. Weichert

Brandon J. Weichert, a National Interest national security analyst, is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who is a contributor at The Washington Times, the Asia Times, and The-Pipeline. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower, Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life, and The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy. His next book, A Disaster of Our Own Making: How the West Lost Ukraine, is due October 22 from Encounter Books. Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.

All images are Creative Commons or Shutterstock.

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