Donald Trump's 'Surrender' to Putin Disqualifies Him from the White House

Donald Trump 2024 Election
October 23, 2024 Topic: Security Region: Americas Blog Brand: Politics Tags: Donald TrumpTrump2024 ElectionU.S. PoliticsPutinRussia

Donald Trump's 'Surrender' to Putin Disqualifies Him from the White House

Former President Donald Trump's deference to Vladimir Putin over U.S. interests has consistently undermined America's security and global standing. From denying U.S. intelligence findings about Russian election interference during the 2018 Helsinki Summit to praising Putin's actions in Ukraine, Trump has weakened alliances like NATO and emboldened adversaries.


Donald Trump’s Submission to Putin Undermines America: Few moments reveal a leader's character more than standing firm for national interests when faced with a significant challenge. Former President Donald Trump has repeatedly failed this test, consistently favoring Russian President Vladimir Putin over the interests of the American people and our closest allies. His pattern of capitulating to a dangerous foreign adversary undermines our nation's security and advances the Kremlin's interests. This troubling weakness cannot be ignored.

One glaring example occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic. Americans faced unprecedented challenges, with thousands dying daily and health care systems overwhelmed. Yet, the federal response under Trump's leadership was marked by denial and mismanagement. While frontline health care workers struggled with shortages of critical supplies, the administration downplayed the severity of the crisis and as we just learned from Bob Woodward’s new book, Trump arranged to send scarce COVID testing machines to Putin. So much for putting "America First." 


As a former intelligence officer, I will never forget the shameful episode of Trump kowtowing to Putin during the 2018 Helsinki Summit. Standing beside Putin, Trump publicly doubted the unanimous conclusion of U.S. intelligence agencies regarding Russian interference in the 2016 election. He stated, "I don't see any reason why it would be [Russia]," effectively siding with Putin over his own intelligence community. This moment was more than a diplomatic faux pas; it was a direct affront to those who work to protect our nation's security.

Trump's deference to Putin doesn't stop there. He consistently criticized NATO, an alliance that has been the bedrock of transatlantic security since World War II. By questioning the value of NATO and threatening to withdraw from it, Trump played into Putin's longstanding goal of weakening the Western alliance. Since leaving office, Trump has encouraged Russia to "do whatever the hell they want" to our NATO allies and sought to undermine US support for Ukraine. 

The invasion of Ukraine in 2022 by Russian forces prompted global condemnation and an outpouring of support for Ukraine's sovereignty. Trump's responses sounded more like Russian talking points. He referred to Putin's strategy as "genius" and "savvy"—comments widely criticized for legitimizing an unprovoked act of aggression against a democracy. Such statements from a former president send a dangerous message and undercut international efforts to hold Russia accountable.

Some may argue that maintaining good relations with nuclear-armed nations like Russia is a strategic necessity. While diplomacy is crucial, it must not come at the expense of our values and security. Appeasement of adversaries who threaten global stability does not equate to strength or wisdom. Instead, it demonstrates a vulnerability that can be exploited. History has shown that unchecked aggression only leads to greater, deadlier conflicts down the line.

Trump's favoring Putin over American interests is indicative of a broader approach that compromises our nation's integrity. Admiring strongmen and equating flattery with friendship strikes me as decidedly un-American and exposes a naivete that adversaries are quick to exploit. Consistently showing deference to a foreign leader signals weakness, emboldens adversaries, and escalates geopolitical tensions. 

When my CIA colleagues and I first swore an oath in 1985 to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies," we regarded it as a sacred trust. Nearly 40 years later, my position hasn't changed. As we look to the future, it is imperative that we reject Trump's pattern of appeasement. Leadership requires a steadfast commitment to the nation's principles and an unyielding defense of its interests. These are concepts that Donald Trump never has and never will understand.

Vice President Kamala Harris has consistently demonstrated a commitment to defending our nation's interests and standing up to adversaries. Her experience, integrity, and dedication to democratic principles make her the leader we need in these challenging times.

She understands that international relations are far more complex than simple "deals" brokered among authoritarian strongmen. She recognizes the importance of strengthening alliances, not undermining them, and that America's strength lies not just in its military or economy but in its values and commitment to democracy.

Voting for Kamala Harris is a step toward securing a future where our leaders prioritize the well-being of the American people and uphold the values that have long defined our nation. Let's come together to support her and ensure that America's future is one of strength, integrity, and unwavering commitment to our principles.

About the Author: 

Michael E. Roosevelt is a former Group Chief in the Office of Russian & Eurasian Analysis, Central Intelligence Agency. He served in the CIA for 30 years, retiring in 2015.