Is This Victory?

Is This Victory?

Mini Teaser: Defining what constitutes victory in Iraq is the number one question in American politics. Washington needs to go beyond offering bumper-sticker cliches to provide workable yardsticks for measuring success. Some thoughts on the matter.

by Author(s): Tommy FranksStephen BiddlePeter Charles ChoharisJohn M. Owen IVDaniel PipesGary RosenDov S. Zakheim

America has always had lofty goals, foremost among them the export of its democratic values. But for the people of the Middle East, the stability that would result from an Iraq that is neither international aggressor nor victim is a more urgent and sought-after goal. By adjusting its sights to focus on that goal, as opposed to others, the United States, and its military, can make a true and lasting contribution to the betterment of both Iraq and the entire region of which it is so important a part.

Dov S. Zakheim was undersecretary of defense (comptroller) and the Defense Department's chief financial officer from 2001 to 2004. He is a member of the Board of the Nixon Center.

Essay Types: Essay