Why Israel’s Iron Dome Missile Defense Isn’t Fighting for Ukraine

June 27, 2022 Topic: Iron Dome Region: Middle East Blog Brand: The Buzz Tags: UkraineIsraelIron DomeMissile DefenseRussia-Ukraine War

Why Israel’s Iron Dome Missile Defense Isn’t Fighting for Ukraine

Critics accuse Israel of trying to curry favor with Moscow. Could another reason be the Iron Dome’s deficiencies?


For the time being, Israeli leaders appear to have correctly concluded that it is better for the effectiveness of the Iron Dome to be shrouded in mystery than to expose its flaws by shipping it to a live battlefield such as Ukraine.



Sajjad Safaei is a Postdoctoral Researcher at Germany’s Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology. Follow him on Twitter @SajjadSafaei0.

Image: Reuters.