Disentangling the Ups & Downs of Russia’s Military-Industrial Complex

Disentangling the Ups & Downs of Russia’s Military-Industrial Complex

Dual-use production, and particularly at the benefice of the oil & gas industry, will undoubtedly become one of the main challenges of Russia’s military-industrial complex in the coming years.


Dual-use production, and particularly at the benefice of the oil & gas industry, will undoubtedly become one of the main challenges of Russia’s military-industrial complex in the coming years.

The cornerstone remains, however, the interaction between what the defense industry can produce, what the Army needs, and who it wants to procure for in terms of exports.


Mathieu Boulegue is a security analyst in the field of Eurasian affairs. Partner for the risk management, strategic analysis, and business consulting firm AESMA. Member of CAPE-Sogdiane, an advocacy think-tank focusing on Eurasia and post-soviet studies.

Image: United AIrcraft Corporation