Back Into Afghanistan?
It's time to stop throwing good money after bad.
Moreover, the next administration should carefully review the military and financial obligations provisionally pledged by the respective coalition partners. The time for vague hopes, aspirations and promises from the Afghans, coupled with concrete resources delivered by the coalition, should end. Continuing to throw good money after bad is more than a waste of taxpayer resources; it enables corruption and abuse in Afghanistan. In short, it is time to be very specific about the entire “Afghanistan project” and for a rigorous, clear-eyed, “zero-based” assessment of ends, mean, resources, strategies, tactics, timetables and exits.
Gerald F. (“Jerry”) Hyman has been a Senior Adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies and President of its Hills Program on Governance since 2007. From 1990-2007, he held several positions at USAID, including director of its global Office of Democracy and Governance from 2002-2007. From 1985-1990, he practiced law at Covington & Burling in Washington DC, and he taught Anthropology and Sociology at Smith College from 1970-1985.
Image: Flickr/U.S. Marines