Tina J. Park

Dr. Tina J. Park is the Chief Executive Officer of The Park Group Inc., a global consulting firm specializing in international security issues. As one of Canada's top experts on the Indo-Pacific, she has served as a voice of authority on North Korea and NATO with BBC, Al Jazeera, CBC, CPAC, TVO, LBC, LPR, CTV News, Global News and CP24. For the past decade, she has lectured on Canadian foreign policy, the history of espionage, and North Korea to students at the University of Toronto and high-ranking officials in NATO member states. As a fellow at the NATO Defence College in Rome, she published a seminal work on NATO's strategy with regard to North Korea. Dr. Park speaks six languages and has traveled around the world to advise NATO members on their Indo-Pacific strategies. She is currently working on a book called NATO & the Indo-Pacific: Threats and Opportunities to be published in 2025.

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